2024 Building Trades Happy Hour!


Big thanks to Arc Electric for being the events food sponsor

Join us at R Bar & Grille 119 East Kilmar Ave. Nanticoke, PA 18634 in their upstairs room on Thursday 5/16/2023 from 6PM to 9PM.

Milwaukee Tool Corp is a platinum sponsor of the Live Like Brent Foundation and will be showcasing their latest tools and answering any questions. Dozens of tools will be given away throughout the night. They are donated by Milwaukee corporate, Local Union Contractors, Local supply houses, and union members.

There is a $25.00 entrance fee/donation at the door which gets you entered to win giveaways from Milwaukee tools (or other non-tool items) and also includes free food thanks to Arc Electric.

Additionally, there will be other raffles for larger items, for which you can purchase raffle tickets at the event. Milwaukee Tool and sponsors like you can donate Milwaukee tools or be direct sponsors with a check donation.

Standard sponsorship is $100.00 and Elite sponsorship is $500.00. Please make checks payable to: Carve for Cancer Inc. or Live Like Brent Foundation and mail them to 6024 Ridge Ave. Box 116-235, Philadelphia, PA 19128.

Get in touch!

Need more info on the event, sponsorship, or other details? Fill out the form and let us know how we can help!